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Service Saturday

March 15th: Click Here to Sign Up

Join us as we come together to follow the example of Christ by SERVING OTHERS. There’s something for everyone!

Serve Others as we celebrate The Solemnity of St. Joseph!

Pray, Fast, and Give at St. Joseph’s Table

This unique Service Saturday event will not only feed the hungry but will provide  each of us an opportunity to observe the Season of Lent in a whole new way. We will practice our Lenten duty to pray, fast, and give as we honor St. Joseph, eat a Lenten meal, and share our gifts with others.


St Joseph’s Table is a celebration with the entire community where the riches of food are given as alms to the poor. Join us on March 15th to share your best and eat the least. Everyone attending will be served bean soup for lunch, regardless of whether or not you are able to give. All Are Welcome!


St. Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people, and many others. Write prayers of intercession or thanksgiving to St Joseph and place your prayer requests on St. Joseph’s Table.


Enhance your Lenten sacrifice by eating a simple lunch of bean soup and bread which will be provided to all who attend!


Donate home-made foods/ bakery for the table: breads, pastries, anything that does not require heat or refrigeration. These foods will be given to the poor, the homebound, the lonely, and those who are unable to join us at the Table.You can also donate canned goods and other non-perishable items to assist our parish’s efforts to feed the poor and hungry.

Pack a “to go” container and take goodies from St. Joseph’s Table to a friend, neighbor, family member, or parishioner who is unable to join us at the celebration (to-go containers will be provided).

How can you help?

Make and donate food items for the Table. Bring to the gym at 10:45 AM on Saturday, March 15th, then stay for lunch! Not able to make it? Donate canned goods and other non-perishable items to assist our parish’s efforts to feed the poor and hungry. Bring your donations to the gym or place on the tables in church when you come to Mass on March 15 and 16th.

Consider volunteering for an hour-long shift! Many volunteers are needed to serve the lunch as well as to set-up and clean up. If you need additional information or wish to volunteer, contact Shari Chmura at or 216-524-1987.

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