The Italian teenager Blessed Carlo Acutis has captivated Catholics young and old in recent years, especially since his 2020 beatification. Although only 15 when he died of leukemia, Carlo was resolved to prioritize his life around the Holy Eucharist. Each day found him attending Mass and spending time in prayer before the Eucharistic Lord. He believed, as he put it, “the Eucharist is my highway to heaven.” And he endeavored to share this reality with others, with a focus on Eucharistic miracles, through his virtual and online apostleship.
Although he might have been somewhat unusual in his youthful zeal for the Faith, Carlo was also very much interested in things of his peers, such as his love for video games and films. He was by all accounts a “computer geek” who studied college textbooks on the subject as early as age 9. But Carlo recognized that his talents and interests in the field must be used for good. Carlo’s mother said: “Carlo was the light answer to the dark side of the web. My son’s life can show how the internet can be used for good — to spread good things.” This meant Carlo was resolved to make use of his tech-saviness for the good of others.
He developed websites for his high school and nearby parishes through his youth, and this ministry culminated in creating a website that cataloged every major Eucharistic Miracle ever recorded. The Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition you will see at St. Columbkille is just a portion of what Carlo compiled and catalogued on his website. Now, through his witness, we invite you to learn more and deepen your faith by visiting this display.
“I’m happy to die because I’ve lived my life without wasting even a minute of it doing things that wouldn’t have pleased God.” - Blessed Carlo Acutis
When you visit the Miracles exhibit you will find storyboards with pictures and text of just some of the miracles that Carlo himself compiled. Bring your smartphone because Fr. Suso recorded a self-guided audio tour of each of the eight themes that you can listen to as you view the display. The eight themes are:
There will be opportunities to write down your prayer intentions, Eucharistic resources, games for families and kids to play, and refreshments available in the Parish Center Kitchen and Basement. If you click the buttons above, you can hear each individual section of our audio walk through narrated by Fr. Suso. The full recording is also bellow if you wish to listen to them continuously.
In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus is preparing for his passion and death in the garden with his disciples and says, “Stay here and watch with Me.” (Matthew 26:38) The most important part of the exhibition is visiting our perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel to pray. It is our hope that in hosting this Eucharistic Miracles exhibition that more people will fall in love with Jesus by encountering His real presence in the most Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is alive, come and see!
Dive deeper into understanding the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist with the Pastor of St. Columbkille Parish as he guides you from room to room through the entire exhibit.
This walk through will allow you to listen to more information about each theme, explore the impact these miracles had on Catholicism, and highlight some of his personal favorite miracles in each section.
Ear buds and adaptors are available for you to use at the Welcome Desk at the beginning of the exhibit. Please click on the button below to begin your Audio Walk Through tour! (There are moments to pause and explore the exhibit at your own pace.)
As missionary disciples of Jesus, formed as a community through Scripture and Sacraments, we are sent into the world to joyfully proclaim the Gospel.
6740 Broadview Road
Parma, Ohio 44134