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About Us

Our Mission: As missionary disciples of Jesus, formed as a community through Scripture and Sacraments, we are sent into the world to joyfully proclaim the Gospel. We strive to be a welcoming, caring, Catholic family that transforms lives, proclaiming the Kingdom of God.


I want to take a moment to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who is interested in joining St. Columbkille Parish. Whether you are just having a look, or are searching out for a place to worship, we're delighted to have you here.

It is our sincere desire that St. Columbkille Parish becomes a place where you will encounter Christ and experience the unconditional love God our Father has for you.

We are a family for everyone! If you're just beginning to explore how God may be relevant in your life, we want to meet you on that path. If you're a life long Catholic who wants to grow deeper in your faith, we want to support and nurture that desire as well. We pray you will step into this journey with us and that you will find meaningful opportunities to connect with God and others.

When you join us on Sunday morning, you can expect a joyful encounter as the Gospel is proclaimed and as we gather around the Eucharistic Table. It is through this nourishment of scripture and the sacraments that we can carry out the gospel message with joy within our own daily lives.

I hope you choose to join us each week as we continue together to worship God, serve others, and grow disciples!

- Fr. Anthony Suso

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Weekly Bulletin

Our bulletin is published weekly and available at Church or in the rectory. Did you miss one? Click here for a collection of past bulletins.

Watch Past Masses

Visit our Facebook or Youtube pages for a collection of past broadcasts. Masses are streamed from our 4 PM vigil Mass.

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