“Whether looking for fraternity with faith or a chance to put charity into action, the Holy Name Society changes lives
and strengthens Catholic identity.” -- Fr. Joe Robinson, Spiritual Advisor to St. Columbkille HNS
Purpose: Promoting the sacred names of God & Jesus while supporting members to become better men—spiritually & personally.
Mission: Support the men of the parish as they grow their faith through fellowship and the Spiritual & Corporal works of mercy.
Questions? Interested in learning more? Please contact us at holynamesociety@stcolumbkilleparish.org
In support of our mission, members participate in a variety of activities to further their practice of the Spiritual & Corporal works of mercy:
• Praying the rosary & gathering for mass
• Hosting “Donut Sundays” for the parish
• Attending funeral services of deceased members
• Organizing the Parish Easter Egg Hunt
• Visiting with the sick & homebound
• Gathering for annual spiritual retreat
• Volunteering at local food shelters
We are looking to further expand our activities, but we need you!
Our Holy Name Society holds its general meetings in the parish center on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We start at 7:00pm with the rosary; the meeting starts at 7:30 PM and includes updates on upcoming parish activities as well as a variety of spiritual topics. Complimentary refreshments provided!
Spiritual Director ........ Fr. Anthony Suso
President ................... Tony Martinka
Vice President ........... Matt Yanosko
Treasurer ................... Mike Mcintyre
Secretary ................... David Frederick
As missionary disciples of Jesus, formed as a community through Scripture and Sacraments, we are sent into the world to joyfully proclaim the Gospel.
6740 Broadview Road
Parma, Ohio 44134