February 10th
Join us on Monday, February 10 as we celebrate St. Valentine. We will meet in the Parish Center from 10-11. RSVP to Melissa at mamartinka@gmail.com
Please note that even though there's no school that day, Pray & Play will still take place as scheduled
February 15th
Join fellow parishioners as St. Columbkille comes together to Serve Others
Projects this month include
Food and Clothing Pantry Volunteer
Sandwiches and Care Packages for the Homeless
Broadview Multi-Care Center
February 22nd
Ignite is a single day conference meant to draw young adults from Cleveland and all neighboring Dioceses.
Click the image above to register
Today is the perfect day to spend time in Perpetual Adoration with Jesus. There is a need of Adorers and we are asking for your help with the following hours
Wednesday: 6-7 PM
Thursday: 12-1 PM, 9-10 PM
Friday: 1-2 AM, 11 AM- 12 PM, 11 PM-12 AM, 10-11 AM
Saturday: 6-7 AM, 5-6 PM
Sunday: 8-9 AM, 10-11 AM, 3-4 PM, 4-5 PM
SCS strives to integrate religious truths and values with knowledge and skills in order to provide a quality education for all students. This vision motivates our students to not only grow academically, but physically, culturally, and socially.
Our school mission is to develop our students to live their lives as a Witness to Jesus. We believe our school exists to teach the mandate of Jesus: "Love one another as I have loved you."
We believe that we share the vision of Jesus within an atmosphere designed to celebrate and practice the love of God and neighbor. We motivate students to grow academically, culturally, and socially. Jesus remains with the community He formed, and we are privileged to witness and share that Presence.
There is no better investment in the world than the local Catholic parish. It is where people meet Jesus and lives are changed. We are called in faith to be good stewards, and there are many ways to do that. Stewardship is simply recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God, and being grateful and generous with those gifts weather they be in time, talent or treasure. When a steward loves God above all, God provides the grace for the steward to love to an even greater depth.
At St. Columbkille, we believe that stewardship and giving should be well thought out and easy to do. Please visit our "Giving" tab for more information, or click one of the buttons bellow to explore how to contribute to our great legacy.
Happy Feast of the Baptism of the Lord! Jesus is growing up fast. Just last week the wise men were visiting the newborn baby Jesus in the manager of Bethlehem and we fast forward this week to Jesus as a young adult being baptized in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. Why did Jesus get baptized? After all, Jesus was God and without sin…so what gives? Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan by John is not for the forgiveness of sins but rather to reveal His divine identity as the “only begotten Son of the Heavenly Father.” At baptism Jesus receives confirmation of his deepest identity from God the Father, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” When you meet someone for the first time you usually ask them what they do for a living or where they work which ends up defining their identity (Joe is a barber, Kathy is a bank teller, Steve is a nurse etc.) Who you are is not what you do for a living or where you work or how much money you make or what car you drive, who you are is a beloved son or daughter of a loving heavenly Father. You have a divine identity – God says to you today “I love you, with you I am well pleased!”
I am certain that long before Jesus hears the words from Heaven confirming his divine identity, he hears the words “I love you” from his mother Mary and foster father Joseph. Jesus’ earthly parents help him to form his divine identity as a beloved son. This week when you introduce yourself to someone tell them you are a beloved son or daughter of God the Father. Tell someone you love that you love them and remind them that God loves them most of all!
On behalf of our entire pastoral staff and Fr. Spicer I want to thank everyone for your generous gifts, kind words and beautiful cards we received throughout the Christmas Season. I want to thank Patrick Grau our facilities director and JoAnn Fellner and our decorating crew and everyone who assisted in decorating the church both inside and out. Thank you to Maria Didonato our director of music and all our choirs and cantors for leading us in song during the Christmas season. Thank you to my assistant Scott Effertz and office manager Jennifer Gutoseky for coordinating all the volunteer ministers to serve at all our Masses. Most of all I want to thank all our dedicated parishioners for celebrating Jesus’ birth with us once again this year. Happy and blessed New Year to all of you!
Bishop Edward Malesic has written his first pastoral letter as the Bishop of Cleveland entitled “A Flourishing Apostolic Church.” The letter encourages the faithful of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland to pray, celebrate the sacraments and serve those in need. Copies of the letter are being included in the January edition of the Northeast Ohio Catholic Magazine that is being mailed to every household in the parish. You can also find an electronic copy on our parish website and on the diocesan we website using this link: https://www.dioceseofcleveland.org/a-flourishing-apostolic-church/overview
I would like to personally invite every parishioner to take a few minutes to prayerfully read the pastor letter. Everything our bishop speaks about in the letter is precisely the mission of St. Columbkille Parish: Worship God, Serve Others, Grow Disciples of Jesus. Here are a few highlights:
If we compare our relationship with God to our other relationships, we know that we make time for the people whom we love most, and the people who love us most make time for us. The same is true in our relationship with God.
Our bishop says. “Seek a place to sit, quiet yourself, and learn to just ‘be’ in the presence of the living God. There are many ways to pray, and you can each figure out what form of prayer works best for your given state in life, but for the sake of your spiritual health and the spiritual health of our diocese, take at least fifteen minutes to be alone with God.
Bishop Malesic explains that “The more time we spend with Jesus, particularly in the celebration of Eucharist and Reconciliation, the more we begin to look like him, which means that when people see us, they also see Jesus. This is the point of the sacramental life: to become who and what we receive.”
The Bishop’s letter encourages the faithful to, “considering participating in the Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist more often.” At a minimum, Catholics should be attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation as well as going to Confession once a year to confession serious sins. But as Bishop Malesic writes: “But why settle for the minimum when we can do so much more? Strive for more in your spiritual life. Strive for that deep and personal relationship that Jesus wants to have with you.”
People look for community in the Church, and rightly so. We are social by nature. Being made in God’s image, we are made to be a community of persons, just as God is. The Church helps us share God’s love with each other, just as a family shares love.
Just as A Flourishing Apostolic Church calls the faithful to more daily prayer and sacramental encounters, Bishop Malesic is encouraging everyone to engage in faith sharing through small groups, serving in our parishes and communities.
The bishop explains that “Small faith-related groups allow us to recognize what is universally true about our Catholic faith in our situations. They allow us to share our faith with others in more personal, often more meaningful ways. They allow us to share our stories with each other.
We have so many ways to get involved serving others and sharing faith here at St. Columbkille from our women’s and men’s fellowship groups, to service Saturday, serving as volunteer ministers at weekend Masses, holy name society and good Samaritan outreach ministry. These are just a handful of the ways we fulfill our mission of Worshiping God, Serving Others, and Growing Disciples of Jesus.
Never forget, the Lord is with us, always!
As missionary disciples of Jesus, formed as a community through Scripture and Sacraments, we are sent into the world to joyfully proclaim the Gospel.
6740 Broadview Road
Parma, Ohio 44134