SCS strives to integrate religious truths and values with knowledge and skills in order to provide a quality education for all students. This vision motivates our students to not only grow academically, but physically, culturally, and socially.
Our school mission is to develop our students to live their lives as a Witness to Jesus. We believe our school exists to teach the mandate of Jesus: "Love one another as I have loved you."
We believe that we share the vision of Jesus within an atmosphere designed to celebrate and practice the love of God and neighbor. We motivate students to grow academically, culturally, and socially. Jesus remains with the community He formed, and we are privileged to witness and share that Presence.
There is no better investment in the world than the local Catholic parish. It is where people meet Jesus and lives are changed. We are called in faith to be good stewards, and there are many ways to do that. Stewardship is simply recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God, and being grateful and generous with those gifts weather they be in time, talent or treasure. When a steward loves God above all, God provides the grace for the steward to love to an even greater depth.
At St. Columbkille, we believe that stewardship and giving should be well thought out and easy to do. Please visit our "Giving" tab for more information, or click one of the buttons bellow to explore how to contribute to our great legacy.
The Third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday. The word “gaudete” is derived from the Latin words “gaudium,” joy, and “gaudeo,” to rejoice or be glad. Gaudete Sunday occurs eight to thirteen days before Christmas, and the nearness of the feast is reason for great joy. Gaudete is taken from the Entrance Antiphon for the Mass: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near” (paraphrase, Philippians 4:4-5). Advent is a time of joyful expectation and eager preparation for the Solemnity of Christmas.
If you are anything like me preparing for Christmas can be stressful often leads to impatience. Impatient people are stripped of their joy because they are overwhelmed with the worries and anxieties of life. This week when you are tempted to lose your patience, and everything seems to be going wrong take a quiet moment and remember why we are here: God is with us in Jesus! God has a human body, a will, heart and intellect like yours…Jesus’ patience was tested in every way and yet did not fall into sin. Jesus loves you and died for the forgiveness of your sins…Christmas is coming, rejoice!
There is joy in looking forward to the annual celebration of Christmas, but there is also joy in recalling the birth of Jesus on the first Christmas. The joy is heightened because he was born to save us from our sins (Mt 1:21b). The joy also extends to anticipation of the Second Coming, either at the end of physical life or the end of the world, the time when believers will be given the crown of righteousness (2 Tm 4:8) and a place in the Father’s house (John 14:2) to dwell with God and his angels and saints for all eternity.
A Joyful Color: Rose represents joy and may be used as the liturgical color for Gaudete Sunday. Violet remains the official color for the Season of Advent, the Third Sunday included, because all of Advent has a penitential tone, a time to be absolved of sin and be in the state of grace for Christmas. Gaudete Sunday offers a brief respite to focus on the uplifting, upcoming joyful celebration of the Nativity.
Joyful Adornments: The priest wears a rose chasuble to symbolize joy in reaching the halfway point of the Advent Season. Church decorations may include roses or other flowers, a rose-colored altar cloth, drapery on the pulpit or ambo, chalice veil, tabernacle curtain, or wall hangings. The third candle of the Advent wreath is rose.
Joyful Prayers: The prayers in the Roman Missal on the Third Sunday of Advent convey a joyful message. The immediacy of Christmas is addressed in the Collect opening prayer, “O God, who see how your people faithfully await the feast of the Lord’s Nativity,” followed by two explicit references to joy: “enable us … to attain the joys of so great a salvation” and “to celebrate them with … glad rejoicing.” Preface II of Advent says, “we rejoice at the mystery of his Nativity” and that we are “exultant in his praise.” The Communion Antiphon contains the joyful message, “Behold, our God will come, and he will save us” (cf. Is 35:4). Two invocations in the Solemn Blessing for Advent refer to joy: the second, “may he make you … joyful in hope,” and the third, “So that, rejoicing now with devotion at the Redeemer’s coming.
Oplatki Christmas wafers are available in the vestibule after masses this weekend. The tradition of the Oplatki originated in Poland in the seventeenth century. The Oplatki are enjoyed by families, typically right before the Christmas Eve meal. The entire family will gather around the table with the Oplatek. Generally, the eldest member of the family will begin the ritual by breaking off a piece of the wafer and passing it to another family member with a blessing. This blessing can simply consist of what you desire for your loved one in the upcoming year – whether it be good health, success, or happiness. The purpose of this act is primarily to express one’s love for each member of his or her family.
The significance of the Oplatki Christmas wafer is in that it shadows the Eucharistic meal Catholics participate in at each Mass. Just as we share in the Eucharist as one family in Christ and receive Christ’s love through the Eucharist, the Oplatki allows for one’s immediate family to come together and share the love they have for one another. The Oplatki tradition is one that is easy and fun to introduce to the family at Christmas time. All it requires is a simple wafer paired with love and affection, and the willingness to share it. This is a heartwarming tradition that will enhance your family’s time together during the Christmas season.
It is never too early to start planning for going to confession and Mass for Christmas. We will have extra confessions on Monday December 23rd from 2-3 PM and 7-8 PM in church. Our Christmas Eve Masses on Tuesday December 24th will be at 4 PM, 6 PM, and 10 PM. Christmas Day Masses will be on Wednesday December 25th at 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM. On behalf our entire parish family and parish staff I want to wish you and your families a very blessed upcoming Christmas season.
You can help our school make tuition even more affordable for our families using a new State of Ohio tax credit. Ohioans can now receive a 100% tax credit of up to $750 ($1,500 for married couples filing jointly) for donations to the Angel Scholarship Fund. Best of all it is completely free! It is very easy to apply. I did it in just five minutes from my computer. Simply review your tax liability form from the State of Ohio from last year (Form 1040 IT, line 8c) to help you estimate the amount of your tax liability for this year against which the credit can be taken. Make your contribution online at,or by calling 216-902-1312. Make sure you list St. Columbkille School on the application form so our kids can benefit from the donation. Contributions must be made by December 31st 2024 for St. Columbkille to use the money next school year and by April 15, 2025 to be eligible for a tax credit in 2024. Use the tax receipt that you receive from the Angel Scholarship Fund to claim your tax credit when you file your State of Ohio income tax return. You will receive all the money you donated back from the State of Ohio with your tax refund next year! Please speak with a member of our finance council after mass this weekend if you have questions or contact the rectory for more details on how to donate.
We have decided to suspend our last Sunday of the month 5:30pm Sunday evening candlelight Mass. This Mass was being run by our Catching Fire Young Adult Ministry and they no longer have the resources and volunteer ministers to keep it going right now. Should the situation change next year we will do our best to bring it back.
As our Christmas gift to you, next weekend we will be passing out a brand new book from Matthew Kelly entitled 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory. It is a 33 day devotional to consecrate you and your family to the real presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please take one home, read it for 33 days and share with your family in the new year. We have hundreds of parishioners who have committed to spending a weekly holy hour with Jesus in our perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. Please consider stopping by our chapel and spending a few minutes praying with Jesus. There is no better way to fall in love with Jesus than to devote yourself to his real presence in the Holy Eucharist!
Never Forget, the Lord is with us, always!
As missionary disciples of Jesus, formed as a community through Scripture and Sacraments, we are sent into the world to joyfully proclaim the Gospel.
6740 Broadview Road
Parma, Ohio 44134